If you use MapAnalyst for the first time, it is recomended that you have a look at the Short Tutorial. It will give you a short step-by-step introduction to MapAnalyst, illustrating its main functionalities.

The image above illustrates the different parts of MapAnalyst's main window.
The topmost row containing Compute, Tools and Dynamic Information is described on the Toolbar page of this manual.
Read the pages about Old and New Map Images for information about adding map images to the Old Map and New Reference Map. Read about Points and Links to learn how you can add and edit pairs of linked points.
The Visualization section commands the computation and display of the Distortion Grid, Vectors of Displacement, and Isolines.
The Point Linking section contains options for creating linked pairs of points. Read the Points and Links page to learn more.
The Statistics section displays important information about the old map, such as the average scale and rotation.