
Download MapAnalyst 1.3.35 (22 June 2019) from GitHub for Windows and Linux. Recent versions of macOS are not supported. Users of macOS should download the Linux version and follow the procedure for Linux to start MapAnalyst (see at the bottom of this page).
  • Windows:
  • Linux:
MapAnalyst requires Java 1.8 or newer. Download the latest version of Java from

Read here to learn what's new in the latest version.

Important: MapAnalyst version 1.3.0 to 1.3.23 had a bug that resulted in wrong coordinates when exporting OpenStreetMap points. This bug was fixed in version 1.3.24, but OpenStreetMap points created with earlier versions of MapAnalyst will be offset in version 1.3.24 and later by a few kilometres when displayed in the OpenStreetMap in MapAnalyst. There is a new menu command to correct for this offset at Maps > Correct OpenStreetMap Misalignment. Note: only apply this correction once to your points, then save the project or export the points to a new file.

Getting Started

Download a sample data set for testing MapAnalyst and following the short tutorial. The sample data set includes an old map, a new reference map of the same area and a set of control points.

Terms of Use

MapAnalyst is free and open-source software © Bernhard Jenny and Adrian Weber. You can redistribute MapAnalyst and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

If you publish illustrations generated with MapAnalyst, publish a study using MapAnalyst, or write an article mentioning MapAnalyst, please cite the following publication:
Jenny, B. and Hurni, L. (2011) Studying cartographic heritage: Analysis and visualization of geometric distortions. Computers & Graphics, 35-2, p. 402–411.


After downloading, decompress the file if this is not automatically done by your Web-browser, and copy MapAnalyst to any folder on your hard disk. To run MapAnalyst, double-click on its icon.

System Requirements

A screen with at least 1024 x 768 pixels is required to run MapAnalyst.

Java Virtual Machine version 8 or higher is required. Double-click MapAnalyst to start. If an older version of the Virtual Machine is installed on your computer, you will see an alert message. In this case, download the latest Virtual Machine from Oracle.

Recent versions of macOS are no longer supported. Users of macOS should download the Linux version and follow the procedure for Linux below to start MapAnalyst.

Linux and other operating systems
When running MapAnalyst on Linux or operating systems others than Windows or Mac OS X, it is recommended that you launch MapAnalyst using the terminal with the following commands:
cd to the directory containing MapAnalyst.
java -jar MapAnalyst -Xmx1024M

Source Code

MapAnalyst source code is available on GitHub as a NetBeans project. If you find bugs or improve the source code, please send us an email, so that others can profit from your efforts. You can download the NetBeans IDE for free at